The North Dakota Board of Nursing is excited to announce that our new licensing system is now live. You can access the system by clicking "Nurse Portal" in the below navigation bar. Learn more by reading our news release at:
Guidance regarding the interpretation and application of the Nurse Practices Act (NPA) may be adopted by the ND Board of Nursing (Board) as a means of providing direction to licensees and stakeholders who seek to ensure safe nursing practice and to address issues of concern relevant to public protection. (North Dakota Century Code (NDCC) 43-12.1-08(2)(p)).
Board approved practice guidance does not carry the force and effect of the law/rules. Each licensed nurse (nurse) is “responsible and accountable to practice according to the standards of practice prescribed by the board and the profession”; and must “accept responsibility for judgments, individual nursing actions, competence, decisions, and behavior in the course of nursing practice.” (Standards of Practice, North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) 54-05-01-07 and 54-05-02-04). “Competence": means the application and integration of knowledge, skills, ability, and judgment necessary to meet standards. (NDAC 54-01-03-01(16)).
In January 2018, the Board approved the following interpretative statement to address public concerns related to the role of the nurse in aesthetic practices in ND. There were no legislative changes to existing law or rules:
RN Scope of Practice and Prescribed Injectable Aesthetic Agents:
A Registered Nurse, with evidence of comprehensive, specialized, and accredited training; Certification; and competencies, may inject FDA approved medical aesthetic/cosmetic agents, as part of a medically prescribed treatment plan, which includes a documented initial assessment/evaluation for each individual client by the prescriber. (NDAC 54-05-02-04; NDAC 54-05-02-05).
A Registered Nurse cannot medically diagnose; determine medical treatment; or prescribe or dispense legend pharmaceuticals (NDCC 43-12.1-02(5); NDAC 61-04-02-01; Board of Pharmacy Administrative Guidelines for Practitioner dispensing in ND).
However, public concerns and inconsistencies of aesthetic practice in ND continued thus, the Board of Nursing:
Definitions related to this Practice Guidance
This practice guidance is NOT intended to apply to:
The licensed practical nurse.
Role of the Nurse in Aesthetic Practice
Comprehensive, specialized, and accredited training related to aesthetics provides evidence of appropriate knowledge, skills, and competencies of the nurse. Facility policies & procedures must include initial and ongoing competencies. NDAC 54-05-02-04(2)-(4); NDAC 54-05-02-05(1), (2), (7), (10), and (12).
The Board acknowledges the following related to nurse education in aesthetic practices:
The Board acknowledges the following related to the role of the nurse in aesthetic practices:
FAQs related to Aesthetic Practice
Q. Is it within ND law/rules for the LPN or RN to: 1) determine prescribed therapeutic regimen; 2) prescribe a drug to a client; or 3) dispense a drug to a client:
A. No. It is not within the LPN or RN scope of practice to:
According to NPA 43-12.1-02 (6), prescriptive practice means assessing the need for drugs, immunizing agents, or devices and writing a prescription to be filled by a licensed pharmacist. Prescribing is included in the APRN standards with authority to prescribe (NDAC 54-05-03.1); however, is not included in the LPN or RN standards.
The NDBON refers to the ND Board of Pharmacy statement titled, Administrative Guidelines for Practitioner Dispensing in ND and the ND Board of Pharmacy law 43-15-01 and 43-15-02 and NDAC 61-04-02-01. Available at
Q. Is it within ND law/rules for the APRN with prescriptive authority to assign or delegate prescribing to an LPN or RN?
A. According to NDAC 54-05-02-07, the nurse professional can assign to another only those nursing interventions that are included within that nurse’s scope of practice, education, experience, and competence. Prescribing is not within the LPN or RN standards or scope. Additionally, NDAC 54-02-07-01.1 includes inappropriate or inconsistent assigning or delegating interventions as potential grounds for discipline.
American Medical Association. (2013). Retrieved October 16, 2019
Arizona Board of Nursing. (2019). Advisory Opinion: Medical Aesthetic Procedures Performed by Licensed Nurses, Licensed Cosmetologist, Licensed Aestheticians and Certified Laser Technologists Practice Statement. Retrieved October 16, 2019
Kentucky Board of Nursing. (2018) Advisory Opinion: Cosmetic and Dermatological Procedures by Nurses. Retrieved October 16, 2019
Louisiana Board of Nursing. (2011) Declaratory Statement: Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatological Procedures and Treatments Performed by Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses. Retrieved October 16, 2019
North Dakota Administrative Code, Article 54-05. Standards of Practice.
North Dakota Century Code, Chapter 43-12.1. Nurse Practices Act.
NDBON Approved 10/19
Review/Revised 11/2023