Once the board of nursing makes a candidate eligible, that candidate will receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) letter by email.  The ATT serves as the candidate’s notice that they may schedule their NCLEX at a Pearson Professional Center.

  • Candidates should ensure that the ATT reflects their name as it appears on their ID, their authorization period (an average of 90 days), the exam they registered to take, and if applicable, their approved accommodations.
  • To gain access to the NCLEX, candidates must present one form of acceptable identification that matches exactly the name they provided when registering (a paper copy of the ATT is no longer required for test admittance).
  • If the candidates’s ID does not match exactly the name they registered with, the candidate will not be admitted to test and will have to re-register and pay another exam fee.
  • The ATT validity dates can not be extended for any reason.  If candidates do not test within these dates they will have to re-register and pay another exam fee.