The North Dakota Board of Nursing is excited to announce that our new licensing system is now live. You can access the system by clicking "Nurse Portal" in the below navigation bar. Learn more by reading our news release at:
The North Dakota Board of Nursing (NDBON) is excited to announce that our new licensing system is now live. You can access the system by clicking "Nurse Portal" in the above navigation bar.
Learn more by reading our news release at:
Upon being made eligible to test for the first time after completing your nursing program, if you have met all the requirements to become eligible to test within sixty (60) days from the date your degree is awarded, you will be issued a 90-day nonrenewable Graduate Nurse Work Authorization at no additional cost or request. When you receive your ATT via email from Pearson VUE, you will be able to log into your nurse portal and verify your Graduate Nurse Work Authorization has been issued. Be sure to read this important information regarding the Graduate Nurse Work Authorization and scope of practice at:
Applicants who have tested under another Board of Nursing, who have not completed the requirements to be made eligible to test within 60 days of graduation, or have had any previous failed NCLEX attempts are not eligible to receive a Graduate Nurse Work Authorization, even if they did not receive one prior. The work authorization expires the sooner of 90 days or the processing of the initial failed NCLEX result.
The CHRC is the official name for the background record that the ND BON conducts with the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) for all initial license applications or reactivation applications as required by law and rule. Your CHRC is required to be completed for issuance of your license, but not required for you to be made eligible to test. As soon as you complete your exam application, you can submit your CHRC items as one packet to the ND BON: ND Board of Nursing, 919 S 7th Street Suire 504, Bismarck ND 58504
The ND BON must have received both your passing NCLEX result and the results from the CHRC. Please allow 5-10 business days for processing of either item. You can check your application status any time on the ORBS nurse portal. All correspondence related to outstanding items or authorization/license issuance will be sent through there. All initial exam licenses are issued with an expiration date of 12/31 the following year. You can check your license expiration date anytime in the nurse portal or through Nursys ( For more information on renewal of your license, please visit:
In the event you fail your NCLEX attempt, you will be emailed a notification of such along with a Candidate Performance Report (CPR). The CPR contains important information regarding your performance on the NCLEX. Please review this to assist with further retesting. To retest for the NCLEX, you will need to submit both an exam retest application and register again with Pearson VUE. The CHRC is valid for 180 days from paying the CHRC processing fee with your application and needs to be completed every 180 days from paying the CHRC fee for retesting. For more information on retesting, please visit:
Special testing accommodations are available to applicants who meet the criteria due specific mental health diagnoses. The list of accommodations available by Pearson VUE and NCSBN is included here. The request requires four things for approval, and all must be submitted to the ND Board of Nursing for review and approval before you are made eligible to test. Required documents may be submitted immediately after completing this application. Failure to provide all required documentation prior to your graduation may result in delays to your eligibility and Authorization To Test. Requirements to request special testing accommodations:
Please provide 5-10 business days for processing of all items and responses to inquiries. All correspondence is required to be sent through the Nurse Portal unless otherwise instructed to do differently. Please do not submit redundant inquiries or to multiple departments/teams, as we will route any correspondence to the correct team. You can check your application or license status any time in your Nurse Portal profile.
A compact (multistate) license will be issued automatically without additional fee, application, or request, to all nurses who meet the residency requirements and are not otherwise ineligible for multistate licensure in accordance with the NLC Uniform Licensure Rules (ULRs). A nurse must be a resident of North Dakota, declare North Dakota as their Primary State of Residence (PSOR) and provide evidence that North Dakota is their PSOR. "Primary State of Residence" is the state a nurse refers to as their "home state" under the NLC and is their "declared fixed permanent and principal home for all legal purposes." Nurses living in a non-NLC state are only eligible for single-state licensure for practice in North Dakota only. All temporary permits are issued as single-state only. For more information on the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC), please visit: